『一期一会』 久保 奈月 作
北海道の書道家アーティスト 久保 奈月先生に書いていただいた作品です。
“Ichigo Ichie” written by Natsuki Kubo
One of our store’s themes is once in a lifetime.
This work was written by Natsuki Kubo, a calligrapher artist from Hokkaido.
“Ichigo-ichie” is a word that comes from the tea ceremony, and both the host and the guest should be sincere in their efforts, remembering that every tea ceremony is a once-in-a-lifetime event.
We understand that these words apply not only to our customers, but also to the food we prepare.
written to remind us of the “once in a lifetime” principle, so that we can cherish the moment with each meal and serve our customers with sincerity to make them happy.
As the snow festival approaches, the number of people from outside Hokkaido and overseas will increase.
We value the “once-in-a-lifetime opportunity” so that everyone like you will feel glad that you came to Hokkaido, Sapporo, and that you went to YANAGI.